Primary Role: Lead Software Engineer, Senior Game Programmer
Development: June 2014 - July 2016
Engine: Unreal Engine 3
Platforms: PC, PS4, Xbox One

  • During period overlapping with development of Smite Tactics, I was primarily responsible for managing gameplay team for ongoing god and gametype development in Smite, as well as high level ongoing feature development.
  • Led effort in recombining the PC and Console branches of Smite to support a unified development pipeline.
  • Involved in development of new gods. Primary developer for Awilix, Medusa, Nox V2 with additional development support on Arachne V2, Odin V2, Ravana, and Cabrakan, as well as content support for Bakasura and Anubis remodels, and Kukulkan conversion.
  • Primary developer on project's spectator mode for PC and console. Largest use is for eSports broadcasts of the Smite Pro League and Smite Console League.

Smite Gameplay Trailer

See more videos on the Smite Youtube channel.